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How to play Breeze in VALORANT

Jalen Lopez

VALORANT Episode Two Act Three is finally here and introduces a brand new map for players to enjoy: Breeze. The new Caribbean-inspired map is breath of fresh air and introduces a unique design with large open areas that perfect for long-range engagements. This concept is new and exciting, but it does require players to adapt to a new layout to avoid being picked from a distance.


Breeze is the latest map introduced in VALORANT and offers a unique gameplay experience. Image via Riot Games

Here is a breakdown of the most important spots on Breeze to help you prepare for matches.

Attacker Side Spawn

The Attacker Spawn connects to the Mid Bottom, Attacker Side Snake, and A Lobby. This large open area can be avoided during the later part of rounds and provides little cover. But players rotating between sites can use the Attacker Spawn for deep flanks. Just remember to move quickly as the large map will require more time for rotations.

Mid Bottom


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Mid Bottom is the lower part of mid connected to the Attackers Spawn. This area does not provide many angles into the middle lane, but players can cover the A Doors and A Hallway trash shoot from this location. Mid Cannon feeds into Mid Bottom, which makes this area a popular way to rotate between sites. Be careful when moving through this area as there is very little cover.

Mid Cannon


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Mid Cannon is a long hallway connecting Mid Bottom to two paths leading to B Site: B Lobby and B window. Attacker Side Snake also feeds into this area, and B Elbow connects the area to the middle lane. The multiple pathways leading from B Cannon make it a dangerous area to traverse later in rounds as there are multiple angles that must be cleared to avoid being an easy kill. Attacking teams taking B should always control this area as A players will likely use one of these pathways to flank.

Attacker Side Snake


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Attacker Side Snake is a winding hallway leading from the Attacker Spawn towards the B site. There is cover in this area, so players using it should move quickly. This pathway is far enough from B site that attackers do not need to hold it, but they should cover its exit towards B Lobby.

B Window


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B Window provides an excellent view into the B Site for attacking players. Just remember defenders also have a clear view of the window and peaking without utility is a risk as there is multiple angles to cover on the site. An excellent way to peak from B Window is to coordinate with your teammate in B Lobby to peak at the same time. This will overwhelm defenders with multiple targets and make it easier to get a kill.

B Main


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B main is  large open area between the B Site, B window, and the connector between B Elbow and Mid Cannon. This area is safe from defenders as there is no angle for them to peak without pushing into B Main. But players should avoid getting stuck in B main as there are only two ways out and multiple ways for enemies to surround the area. Not all Agents can exit through B Window as it requires an ability to boost into the air. If you find yourself stuck deep in B Main with enemies on both sides, good luck.

B Elbow


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B Elbow is a short hallway leading from Mid Top to B Main. This an excellent option for pushing towards Mid Top without traversing Mid Pillar. But Mid Nest offers a clear view of the tunnel, so remember to smoke or cover the nest to avoid being picked off by an Operator. This is also a popular route for players rotating through mid, and placing utility here to cover the area is an excellent option.

Mid Pillar


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Mid Pillar is the center area of the middle lane. It connects to Mid Low, Mid Bottom, A Metal Doors, and Mid Top. In the center of the area is a stone pillar and crates that provide protection for players pushing towards either site. Mid Nest directly overlooks this area, so be careful when pushing up mid without utility or cover.

B Site


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B Site features a large open area with a pillar in the middle. Attackers can reach the site through B Main or B Tunnel. Defenders can reach it from Defender Side Arches and can use the unique layout to their advantage. Along the edge of B site is an area called B Back. This area is covered from the center of the site by stone walls that open in the middle with a small stairway. Players can cover the B Main and B Tunnel entrances from this area, but it only provides protection from one area. Players using this spot should avoid being pinched as it is easy for enemies to overwhelm the position.

The pillar in the center of the site also provides excellent cover from both entries, although it leaves players slightly exposed from at least one angle. Between the Defender Side Arches and B Hallways is B Wall, which is a large wall that protects players from the rest of the site. This is a popular spot for defenders, but it is exposed to B Hallway. Coordinated attackers can overwhelm defenders from almost any location on the site. But defenders can isolate enemies with utilities and engage them from long distances to avoid being overrun.

B Tunnel


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B Tunnel is a narrow hallway connecting Mid Top to B Site. There is a pile of bricks along the wall that can protect players moving through the hallway, but players on B Site can cover the area from multiple angles. If attackers can make it past Mid Nest they can use B Tunnel to execute the site. Players deep in B Site should be mindful of this entry as sneaky players can easily eliminate multiple enemies by sneaking through the tunnel.

Mid Top


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Mid Top is the area between Mid Pillar and Mid Nest. B Elbow feeds into this area, and it is one of the central points of the map. Most players should avoid traversing through Mid Top if possible aw there are so many angles to check. There are a few objects available for cover, but it’s best to cover your movement with utility and move as quickly as possible.

Mid Nest


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Mid Nest is an excellent choice for long-range weapons. It faces Mid Top and Mid Pillar, and attacking enemies foolish enough to push into the open can be punished. Defenders can also cover B Elbow from this location and prevent players from executing on B Site. Just remember enemies can peak Mid Nest from multiple spots and it can be easily covered with utility.

Defender Side Arches


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The Defender Side Arches connect the Defender Spawn with B Site. This large open area serves more as a connector than anything, but there are a few spots to surprise unsuspecting enemies. Defenders need to be careful on creeping enemies who manage to get into this area as it can be used to flank players on either site.

Defender Side Spawn


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The Defender Spawn is an open beach that connects to A Site, A Hallway, and the Defender Side Spawn. Defending players can rotate through the spawn without issue early in rounds, but if attackers manage to push through either site or mid, they can easily control the beach. Any player caught in the open is an easy target, and be cautious when traversing the spawn late in a round.

A Metal Doors


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A Metal Doors connect A Site to Mid Pillar. Players in the middle lane have a decent view into the site and can eliminate unsuspecting enemies covering the entrance from A cave, but defenders can also cover the site from this angle. The closed door provides excellent cover for defenders watching mid, or for attackers protecting a planted spike. But there is little cover between the doors and the rest of the site, so be careful when moving around.

A Hall


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A Hall is an elevated lane that connects A Lobby and the Defender Spawn. There is also an entrance into A site, and a trash shoot that drops into Mid Pillar. This long claustrophobic hallway is perfect for long-ranged weapons. Both teams can use this path to their advantage when rotating between sites, but just be careful that there is not an Operator waiting for you at the other end. Also, the trash chute has an audible cue when activated, so be careful when flanking enemies.

A Mid Doors


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A Mid Doors serve as a barrier between the Defenders Spawn and the rest of A Hall. Defending players can peak the hall to check if attackers are pushing towards the site or if a lurking player is flanking. Near the doors is a small nook that offers protection from the Defenders Spawn and the rest of the hallway. This area is perfect for waiting to surprise lurking enemies or to take cover.

A Site


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A Site features one of the most interesting and unique layouts in VALORANT. The center of the site has two pyramids submerged in shallow water, which provide new ways to defend the site and for attackers to protect a planted spike. There are also deep angles from the Defenders Spawn where players can watch part of the site, but the layout makes it impossible to cover all angles from one position. Defenders also have several smaller objects to use for cover, and using utility cover angles is essential to taking the site. Remember that sites on Breeze are bigger than other maps, and clearing all hiding spots and angles will take longer than usual.

A Cave


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A Cave is a large area that leads to A Site from A Lobby. The curved path is the main entrance into the site, and players can use A Shop to avoid the large open area. Players can sit deep in the cave to try and secure a pick on site, but defenders can also hold the area with long-range weapons. If defenders have rifles and utility, it is best to cover your advance with utility before peeking from the cave.

A Shop


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A Shop is a small hallway connected to A Lobby and A Cave. it serves as an alternative way to reach A Site from the Attackers Spawnand also has Orb for players to collect. The exit into A Cave is very close to the entrance to the site, so be careful when exiting the hallway, especially if your teammates have not made their presence known.

A Lobby


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A Lobby sits between the Attackers Spawn, A Hall, and A Cave. A Shop also connects to this area. Players typically use this hub when executing onto A site as it connects to the three main pathways towards the site. If a defending player can get into A Lobby unnoticed, they can flank attackers pushing B or in the middle lane.

Jalen Lopez

Jalen Lopez

Jalen has been destroying noobs for almost as long as he could read. When not working full time in marketing, Jalen is combining his passions of gaming and writing as an esports writer.

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