Midas Mode

Midas Mode 2.0 Day Seven: One-Sided Affair

Chelsea Jack

In the second series of day seven at BETWAY Midas Mode 2.0, EHOME faced off against BurNIng’s Legion. We discovered right up front that Burning’s Legion would feature Xu “BurNIng” Zhilei and four of his Academy players. Would they be able to face down the professional team?

The second series of day seven of BETWAY Midase Mode 2.0 was truly one-sided, with EHOME taking down BurNIng's Legion in record time. (Image via EHOME)

EHOME and BurNIng’s Legion both spent all of their Moonbucks in the first draft. BurNIng’s Legion went all in on an Earthshaker pick-up, having to random once (Twitch chat gave them Meepo), while EHOME picked up five mid-cost heroes that used up their remaining Moonbucks from the previous series.

The game looked very one-sided from the start, with EHOME cutting down BurNIng’s Legion ruthlessly. Both teams finished the Technical Issues bounty, and then EHOME picked up the It’s Halloween bounty. Mr. Midas then chose to gift both teams Takeover Creeps, sending creeps out onto the map to help stack camps (and again deny a tower).

None of these things upset the balance. EHOME had a 30K net worth lead by the time the game ended at 22 minutes 41 seconds.

In game two, things were much closer. The Legion picked up some expensive heroes such as Tiny, by randoming. Both teams very much needed more Moonbucks, and they coordinated to complete Game Theory. This ensured EHOME completed all five of the daily bounties, an impressive feat.

While the net worth and kill counts were much more even at first, again EHOME was able to pull ahead of Burning’s Legion. Ultimately, they closed out the game, sending us toward the third series of the day.

This entire series was both the most one-sided of the entire event thus far, but also featured the most completed bounties. EHOME is truly embracing the Midas Mode concept and putting on a show for the fans!.

Disclosure: Hotspawn is sponsoring BETWAY Midas Mode 2.0. We will be in attendance, providing unique coverage of the event each day. Stay tuned to our site for further information!