Midas Mode

Day One Map Observer Challenges at Midas Mode

Chelsea Jack

Moonduck Studios bit off a huge challenge when they decided to amp up BETWAY Midas Mode 2.0 with even more custom options than the first iteration of the event. Custom heroes, custom items, options for fans to takeover Roshan and waves of creeps, all of these changes add up. Of course, in trying to deliver and debug these key promised elements, something else in the game was bound to break.

On day one, it was the observer functionality that took the hit. Most noticeable to viewers was the inability of the observer to use the zoom option. With the increasing excellence of our observers (shout out to David “Poptart” Mejia), we’ve become accustomed to a comfortable viewing experience. Not being able to zoom at all really messes with that.

Consequently, Moonduck has announced that they will revert to using the regular map for the duration of day one. This will ensure the best possible viewer experience. Meanwhile, troubleshooting of the custom map will continue to try to have it online for day two.