
Twitch Rivals Recap: Tfue’s Tfault Throwdown

Izabela Tomakic

On May 12th, Twitch Rivals held the Tfue’s Tfault Throwdown event in Fortnite Zero Build. Similar to the previous Twitch Rivals event,  Fortnite Zero Build Showdown II, Tfue’s Tfault Throwdown featured 32 exceptional teams from various regions.

Image Credit: Twitch Rivals

Contestants competed across six games of Zero Build, with points being awarded based on where they placed in each game. Additionally, one point was granted per elimination. The winner received eighteen points for placing first. The contestants finishing in second to fifth places were awarded fifteen points. The contestants who finished the round a tier lower received three points less. Unlike in Zero Build Showdown II, only tents were banned in Tfue’s Tfault Throwdown, leaving both tanks and battle buses available in-game.

The total prize for the event was $10,000 USD, with first place earning $2,800, second place earning $1,800, third $1,500, fourth $1,200 and fifth $900. There were also several bonus objectives, which each awarded $600: most eliminations across the event, both by a team and a single player, and the most wins.

The hosts in this round of Twitch Rivals were Iain Chambers, who was casting Twitch Rivals for the first time, fan-favorites SanchoWest and Javier “MonsterDface” Collazo. Before the tournament formally began, the casters interviewed Turner “Tfue” Tenney. Tfue was extremely excited to finally kick off the tournament, since this was his first time hosting a Fortnite tournament event. Tfue shared with Twitch viewers that he’s looking forward to the future Fortnite events as well.

Game Recap

Tfue’s Tfault Throwdown opened with a slow and amicable first game. However, the situation escalated as the storm encircled the players. The focal point in this round was brilliant positioning. And even though the team led by Javante “Prospering” Anderson overtook the match with the most eliminations, Team Zemie mechanically dominated the outskirts of the storm and took down each and every enemy in their way.

From the very beginning, game two was all about quick and camouflaged rotations. The team of Marcus “Ranger” Pereira took this concept seriously, sitting in a chopper far in the sky until the very end of the match. As the storm was closing in, the three teams led by Kevin “Tocata” Larrinaga, Nathan “Reetlol” Amundson, and Maddynf were shooting at each other across the field. In order to break the monotony, the team of Piero “pgod” Ramirez marched on the battlefield with three trucks. As expected, they were eliminated quickly. Surprisingly, the team of Nicholas “Thiefs” Smorto followed them in a similar fashion but was rather more successful. In the end, Tocata almost destroyed the tank before being kicked out. However, surviving with just a few health points, Reetlol managed to take down the tank and take the win. 

On the other hand, the prime focus of game three was positioning. Initially, Team Tfue took the high ground and exterminated every enemy in their sight. Unfortunately, instead of expertly using the accumulated lead, they overstayed their welcome in the area and were late to the rotation. In the meantime, Team pgod was marking their territory with a striking twelve eliminations. However, Team Zemie positioned themselves on the high ground and effortlessly cleared the area. Team Zemie ultimately only needed to take out Team Ranger, who replicated their strategy in the previous round by sitting in the chopper again. Team Zemie were successful in taking them out, and secured a massive lead.

Tfue’s team once again ran the show in the early game of match four. In a similar manner, Team Tocata was stomping their opponents on the other end of the map. Naturally, Team Ranger was sitting safely in their chopper, waiting for the end of the game. But when push came to shove, and they finally left their chopper, they were face-to-face with the ruthless Team Tocata, who effortlessly eliminated them.

Game five was a rather vehicle-oriented match, with most players taking shelter in a vehicle. Following the footsteps of Team Ranger, Team Reetlol decided to reach new heights and flew up in the air with their own chopper. Up to that point, Team Ranger controlled the airspace in the tournament. As anticipated, Team Ranger became agitated with Team Reetlol and began to collide with them fiercely. Team Reetlol wasn’t about to give up their newfound discovery so easily, and they openly struck them back. Eventually, both choppers exploded, and both teams landed in the arms of Team Tfue, who had already crushed their enemies on the ground. Despite trying to rally, it was a futile effort, as Team Tfue picked up their first victory.

The final game of the tournament was strikingly intense, as Team Zemie and Team Tocata were still in the running for first place in the event. During the mid-game, Tocata strategically positioned himself under the bridge, eliminating many players. Zemie did his best to keep up with the eliminations, but in the end, he fell short. Once again, Team Ranger observed the battle from afar and came down for the final showdown. The open-field chaos climaxed with Team Vannesuh defeating their opponents.


As both Team Tocata and Team Zemie spared no effort in the final match of the day, it was too close to call the winner immediately. However, after the last-minute counts, Team Tocata won Tfue’s Tfault Throwdown with 130 points. Team Zemie placed second with 124 points, with Team Ranger rounding out the top three with 100 points. The MVP of the tournament, and the player with the most eliminations was, as expected, Tocata.

Tfue’s Tfault Throwdown was the final event in the Zero Build content creator series before the grand finals, which will take place on May 25th.