
Fortnite Creative to Launch with Season 7

Kristine Hutter

December 13 will herald in a new era of Fortnite building insanity: Fortnite Creative!

People have been clamoring for the ability to create the map of their dreams in Fortnite for some time. That dream will be a reality with Fortnite Creative.

The TL;DR of Fortnite Creative is this:

  • Launching December 13
  • Build anything from the Fortnite universe from scratch
  • Create new maps, arenas with friends on a “private island” (read: server)
  • There will be a week-long Early Access pass from the Fortnite Battle Pass
  • The Early Access starts December 6, when Season 7 launches
  • Friends can collaborate on builds– think Minecraft-level collaborations in the Fortnite realm

This is brand new territory for Fortnite. People have been clamoring for the ability to create the perfect map of their dreams for a while, and the Fortnite team seems to have delivered on this want in spades. Vehicles, buildings, walls, and every item in-game is available for you to utilize to create a killing spree utopia. In a Lord of the Flies twist, this all happens on your very own island– will you work with your team to create fantastical constructions, or create an arena of death featuring jump pads and traps galore?

To put the icing on the Fortnite Creative cake, Epic Games invited over a dozen content creators to HQ to test out the new game mode. For a full list of English streamers, check out the links below:

GL HF with your new island builds!